Social media, digital marketing and e-commerce are consistently topping the charts for their power to reach untapped markets all over the world. Business leaders are still trying to perfect their online strategies and settle on the best ways to incorporate the ever-changing tech.

The reality is, there are so many technologies that could grow your business and every year there is something different. Staying on top of the trends and figuring out what could benefit your company is what’s going to put you above the rest.

Now that we are in the age of technology, it is vital that every tool we have at our disposal is used to the best of its ability. This will look different for each industry but there are multiple benefits for each of these technologies we will discuss.

So, if you are looking to hit new targets or think bigger for your company, don’t forget to keep an eye on the prevalent trends. You could find something that relieves a lot of pressure and frees up time for bigger and better things.

1. Personalised Video Messaging

You may not think that this sounds like a particular ‘breakthrough’. However, I had my first experience recently with the way in which this could work spectacularly for a number of industries.

Someone went through my business LinkedIn page and screen recorded their entire pitch, completely tailored around my current online presence. They showed me everything I could do to improve engagement on LinkedIn and gave me facts and figures to prove it.

This wasn’t done in a particularly salesy manner, nor was it being used as a tutorial video as you would expect. It was actually pretty helpful information and everything the person said was related to me and only me.

Taking 2 minutes out of your day to produce a video like this for really good, potential clients could make or break that relationship. It takes cold emails, calls and impersonal social connections to a different realm. Show your people how invested you are in helping them and then give them actionable proof as to how you can do so. Video is on the rise and this is one powerful way of utilising it to level up.

2. Artificial Intelligence

This is still somewhat of a buzzword that transports people back to the days of spy movies and the fear that robots will take over our jobs. Well… in some ways they are. But it is becoming increasingly beneficial to use AI for business purposes.

When you get to a point in your company’s growth where you can invest a little more into upgraded tech and new features, AI can relieve some of the pressure you’re used to as a business owner. These technologies that could grow your business are made to simplify and streamline certain processes and methods.

Use that to your advantage could see profits skyrocketing, reductions in human error and, more importantly – plenty of your time being saved to prioritise other projects.

Automating some of the essential running procedures could enable you to optimise and get even more from the strategies you already have in place. How? Automating means less time doing extra checks and factoring in human interruption, lunch breaks etc.

You’ll also be able to expand your offerings by having access to analysis, new data and more intelligent support systems. Here, you can use the technology to gain insight into customers and the way they interact with you. As a result, you will start creating a more tailored and enjoyable journey – driving and retaining loyal customers.

3. Mobile Development

Everyone is well aware of the role mobile phones play in our daily lives. They have now become ever more present in our business lives too. Mobile development is one of the technologies that could grow your business and make your work more efficient at the same time.

Firstly, ensuring every digital aspect of your online presence is optimised for mobile will ensure you are reaching your target market. A lot of the time, if people can’t view something or easily utilise a platform on their phone – they won’t bother coming back. Instead, approach this as a matter of priority when building a website, e-commerce platform or messaging service.

Technologies That Could Grow Your Business

Furthermore, you’ll be opening up opportunities for far more regular sales and contacts. Making your business portable and reachable at any time will allow you to communicate far quicker. You won’t lose out on valuable custom and your employees will be able to tackle issues efficiently.

Also, app development goes hand in hand with this technology. Reaching customers in an ever more mobile environment means being available through apps as well as websites and social media. This allows you to utilise more cutting edge tech like augmented reality and AI messaging to provide the best customer experience possible.

More Technologies That Could Grow Your Business

There is no one size fits all for organisations of every size. Between industries, target market, niche and a hundred other factors – it is up to you to decide what’s going to work best.

Also, growth looks different for everyone. It may be profits, sales, client numbers, revenue or efficiency. Whatever growth means to you, there are tools at your disposal. It is just important that you keep on top of the trends and don’t take your eye off the ball.

Stay relevant within your industry and remember to keep in touch with what competitors are doing too. They are who you’re up against so getting to the new tech before them could put you at a great advantage.

Having said that, utilising the tech in the right way will also place you above the rest.

Here are a few more things to keep in mind when trying to hit new targets and improve throughout the year.

Social Media Is Still Expanding

Don’t stop yet. Keep advocating online and exploring new ways to promote your values, messages and brand. It’s where your clients are. In fact, it is where everyone is so you need to be making the most of it too. No matter what you do.


It’s not all about crypto. The ways we go about sharing and storing data is more important than ever. Keep your customers and your business safe with the use of high-quality, intelligent tech and new systems.

UI/UX Design

Customer experience is one of, if not the most important factor for your company. Keeping everything visually appealing and easy to use will allow you to retain customers and reach the most amount of people as possible.

Let’s Learn More

Growth isn’t an overnight feat. Nor is it a one-step process.

I’m a seasoned business owner with an extensive background in business performance. I like to see the companies I work with thrive. Whether it’s building growth plans into a business or structuring for the highest return on exit, I like to see the arrow going up!

From growing your customer base, working fewer hours to adding more to the bottom line, I’m here to help you build a better future, whatever that looks like to you.

Sound exciting? We can work together to shape the future of your business, I’ll be there when you need me to be and you can rely on my straight-talking approach that plans to take you and your business onto greater things.

To find out more about how I can help you and your business, get in touch today!